Congress has Limited Time to Finalize Government Spending Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The clock is ticking for congress to finalize critical funding bills. When members return to Washington next week, they have a short amount of time to finalize two giant government funding bills. They also will work on how they want to move forward providing aid to some of our allies and securing our border. 

Back in November, members agreed to split the deadlines for these government spending bills. The first is in mid-January for some federal agencies, the second is in early February. While some members are confident they can finalize these bills before the two deadlines, each chamber has passed different versions of these bills which have so far not reached an agreement on what the top-line level of spending should be. With the limited amount of time members have, there is a possibility of members passing another stopgap measure to keep the government running, but that’s only a temporary agreement. On top of this, members are also trying to strike a deal on additional funding for Ukraine, Israel, the Indo Pacific and our border security.